Shenzhen Xiamen railway starts from Xiamen City, Fujian Province to Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. The planned mileage is about 550 km, the designed speed is more than 200 km / h, and the total investment is about 30 billion yuan. Shenzhen Xiamen railway is a part of Shanghai Shenzhen express passenger transport channel, and is the "one vertical" in the "four vertical and four horizontal" express passenger transport channel of China Railway. It is planned to start construction in 2006 and is expected to open to traffic in 2010. With a total length of 495.25 km, the whole line has 18 stations, mainly for passenger transport and also for freight transport. The transport capacity will reach 75 pairs of passenger trains and 25 million tons of freight transport, connecting 8 cities including Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Chaozhou, Jieyang, Shantou, Shanwei, Huizhou and Shenzhen, with a total investment of nearly 28.83 billion yuan. The railway will be extended to residential areas and new development areas of relevant cities. At the same time, the passenger train speed of Xiamen Shenzhen railway is 200 km / h, and the reserved speed is 250 km / h. According to this calculation, it will only take about 3 hours for passengers to travel between Shenzhen and Xiamen in the future, which is at least 4 hours shorter than the existing railway or highway. After the completion of the railway in 2010, Xiamen Shenzhen and southeast coastal areas will create a three hour economic circle. Sanhe brand PHC pipe pile a 500 * 100 a 400 * 95 a 400 * 90 series products are used in some bid sections
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Traveling The World Harmoniously,Bearing The Future

Time of issue:2019-08-12 00:00:00
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